Fight On!

Sorry Trojan peeps for the misleading title, but this post isn’t about your Alma Mater. This post IS about fighting though. When we hear the word “fight,” we often associate it with a physical altercation or an argument. And a fight usually involves two or more parties. No matter the scenario or situation, when you are typically in a fight, you have an opponent. But on this latest edition of my blog, I will talk about a different kind of fight with an opponent that you didn’t normally think was an opponent. The fight isn’t physical or verbal, it’s mental. And the opponent is YOU! Wait, what?! Que?! Bare with me people, it will all make sense shortly.

See, in order to get to wherever you want to get to in life and achieve your goals, you traditionally think that you have to overcome all of these external obstacles and barriers (which is partly true), but the biggest hurdle you have to overcome first is yourself. You can’t conquer the world if you don’t believe that you can do so in the first place. It’s all mental conditioning and will power. Before you can make others believe (external) that you are great, you have to know and believe that you already are (internal).

Some of the most successful people out there walk around like their sh*t don’t stink, and sometimes it’s borderline arrogance, but it’s also confidence. They believe they can, and they usually do. They make their reality the reality of everyone in any room they walk into. And like one of my favorite quotes from Boiler Room goes, “act as if.” They don’t say, “If you believe it, you can achieve it” for nothing.

But back to the fighting theme of this entry – the mere act of trying to convince yourself that you are capable of greatness is a battle in and of itself. The main person standing in your way of becoming the person you want to be is the person you currently are (sounds like some Inception type nonsense, I know!). If you’ve got it all figured out, then I commend you, but like most of us, we need to overcome a lot of internal things in order to get on the right path. These things include self-doubt, fear of failure/rejection, bad habits, poor diets, toxic relationships and overall procrastination. You have to take all of these head on and fight them like you’ve never fought before. That is what determines a life of mediocrity vs. a life of greatness. It’s an easy concept to grasp, but the execution of it, not so much. Some of us get stuck in conformity because it is easy and it is comfortable. But if you are tired of that and want more out of life, you are going to have to acknowledge some inconvenient truths about yourself. And once you discover what you need to work on, you have to fight yourself in order to overcome those hurdles and change the person you are for the better. The easiest example I can think of is working out, it takes effort and dedication. It is arduous work and the results don’t come overnight. You have to fight your fatigue and laziness to even make it to the gym (or wherever you work out at) in the first place. You have to fight your excuses for not working out. But once you start winning those daily fights, you will start seeing results. Same thing goes for anything you want to learn that takes a lot of time and dedication to master. I’ll just leave you guys with that for now for the sake of brevity. I may expand upon it or include more examples/scenarios on future posts, but for now, thanks a bunch for reading! You can do it!

