Sorry to disappoint, but this isn’t a blog post about skin care…maybe some other time! This post is about skin though, but not in the literal sense. It’s about being comfortable in your own skin. It’s an ongoing process that has taken me the majority of my life. I grew up very shy and insecure and it has always made me feel like I wasn’t good enough (whether it came to work or relationships). That type of internal outlook (see what I did there?! Ha!) can have a lot of damaging repercussions throughout your life. Ranging from continued feelings of self-doubt to being risk averse due to not having the confidence to believe in yourself and your ability to succeed. I’ve managed to get past most of it just fine, even though I still have some insecurities and doubts about myself, but I am fully aware of that and am working towards fixing it on a regular basis. It has taken me a long time to get to this point and I still have so much further to go. I truly admire the people that know who they are and are fully confident in themselves and their abilities from an early age (there is still a fine line between confidence and arrogance though).
For instance, a perfect example of that is my older brother. Ever since we were kids, he was always confident and sure of himself. He was completely comfortable in his own skin and never really care about what people thought of him or needed validation (he’s actually never been on social media either, what the heck?!). We were total polar opposites growing up and I always envied his level of confidence. I know that I could never be completely be like him, because I am my own person, but at the same time I know that there are some things I can learn from and leverage in my own life. I have to take aspects of other’s personalities and views and combine them with who I am at my core in order to be the best version of myself. It’s pretty much a never-ending process and I am totally ok with that.
To a certain extent, I can honestly say that at this moment, I am comfortable in my own skin – in that I know who I am and what I am striving to become. I have no desire to mislead people into thinking I’m something I’m not in order to get their approval. Take it or leave it you jive turkeys! JK! With today’s current social media environment, you constantly see others putting up a front in order to be something they’re not and to appear to have their lives together (fake it ‘til you make it right?). It’s so easy to get caught up in that. I’ve seen it first hand and it is not a good quality to have. You just have to own who you are even if it doesn’t appeal to the masses. At least that is what has worked for me. I’ve had to walk away from certain people and situations, but in return, it has allowed me to build deeper and truer connections with the people that are currently in my life. Simply because we are comfortable in our own skin and we believe in authenticity. That’s my rant for now, as always, thanks for reading!
