You ever get tired of…yourself? And not in the emo sense, but more of the “I’m not who I need to be and I am tired of the person I currently am?”
It comes down to a moment of realizing or admitting that you are not the best version of yourself and although you shouldn’t beat yourself up about that, there is a ton of room for growth and learning. Hence the title, WIP. For those who are not familiar with the acronym, it means “Work in Progress” and that is what we pretty much all are. The progress never ends but the point is to have the belief that you can always be better. And this isn’t going to be some “you can do it!” rant, it’s going to be about me just acknowledging that I am at that point where I have grown tired of who I currently am and that I need to do more in order to get past that.
I’m at a good place in my life in all aspects, but I also feel that I have been selling myself short by being complacent. I live a very comfortable life with security and stability. And it’s been nice up until now, but I always feel like something is missing. And that is where this mini existential crisis begins. I don’t know exactly what it is that I am seeking, but if I don’t start exploring, I will never find it. And that my friends is a no no. Sometimes in life, you outgrow certain situations or relationships, but it is also possible to outgrow yourself. And coming to this realization can lead to anxiety and stress because you feel like you are inadequate or not worthy of more. I’m here to tell you what I am trying to tell myself – it’s completely ok! At least you are getting to that crossroads where you are admitting it to yourself instead of living in denial. And that’s always the first step right?
There are so many areas of my life that I want to improve, but I’m not going to try to do it all at once and in one day. That’s just plain preposterous! Nonsense I say! Just gotta chip away at it…daily. You gotta hit a tree a shit ton of times with an axe before you bring it down. I am taking steps to better myself by do more of the things that will help me grow such as reading, working out, meditating, etc. I am coming to terms with a lot of my shortcomings, and while it is uncomfortable/painful, it is also liberating. Like they say, everything you want is on the other side of discomfort. More to come on this topic on future blog posts. So stay tuned and thanks for reading! Let’s do this shit!
